After failure of the first war of independence in 1857, Muslims in India became a shattered lot. They were psychologically broken. At that time Sir Syed Ahmad Khan embarked upon his educational mission and established MAO College in 1875 which later was incorporated into the Aligarh Muslim University in 1920. Though Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and his associates had established only a College but their Aligarh Movement lighted a lamp of education and knowledge.
After passing away of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan a group of enlightened Muslims taking initiative from Sir Syed constituted Bazm-e-Iqbal at Agra with an aim to develop Urdu language and teaching.
Jamia Urdu passed from different stages and later an Executive Committee was constituted wherein Lt. Col. Nawab Dr. Sir Alhaj Hafiz Mohammad Ahmad Saeed Khan Sahab Bahadur of Chhatari, became its Rector and Mr. Right Hon’ble Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru Chancellor while Dr. Maulvi Abdul Haq became Pro-Chancellor. Alhaj Maulvi Abul Hasan became Vice Chancellor and Khan Bahadur Akhtar Adil Pro-Vice Chancellor. Pandit Rajnath of Agra held the position of Treasurer and Mr. Mohammad Tahir Farooqui was appointed as the Registrar.
Soon the news of establishment of Jamia Urdu spread in far corners. Various educational institutions including Madarsas like Madrasa Alia, Agra, Taleemi Board, Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu, Bayawar, Darul Uloom Hameediya, Bhopal, Idara-e-Sadia, Tonk, Darul Uloom Islamia, Jaipur and Madrasa-e-Islamia, Amroha launched coaching classes for preparing students for Jamia Urdu examinations.